Company profile

Since 1991 Immobiliare Pugliese has transformed the dream of thousands of people in search of a home or a commercial activity into reality
Since we began in 1991, the real estate agent’s profession has evolved considerably. Today it requires new and more in-depth skills. We take care of these and constantly improve our own to give the customer the certainty of an all-round consultation.
Our goal has always been to convey not only these skills but also the added value of trust and tranquillity throughout all the stages of a negotiation.
Positivity, initiative and optimism always distinguished my father Francesco. His hard work, the delightful location of the historic head office - the "Scagno" - in Salita Pollaiuoli, his knowledge of the urban fabric, led us to be identified as one of the reference agencies of the Historical Centre for many years.
His desire to get ahead spurred me to get out of the confines of the old city and expand the business over the years throughout Genoa and beyond. With these memories and with the same spirit I continue to open the Scagno every morning: with enthusiasm and curiosity, aware that this profession will still give me so much satisfaction in the years to come.
Andrea Pugliese